Public Information

School Transparency Information

As a DC public charter school, Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School is accountable to residents of the District of Columbia through the DC Public Charter School Board’s oversight of our charter school operations.  The Public Charter School Board’s performance management framework (PMF) holds our school accountable to providing excellence in education for our students.

Following the DC Public Charter School Board’s transparency standards, below are links to key documents about the operations of Carlos Rosario School.  These are in addition to the documents posted on the Public Charter School Board’s Transparency Hub:




Non-Discrimination Policy

Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its program and activities.  Carlos Rosario School also prohibits discrimination in its programs and activities with regard to religion, ethnicity, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, family responsibilities, political affiliation, familial status, source of income, or other status protected by applicable law. Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School is an equal opportunity employer, and is committed to providing equal employment opportunity in recruitment, hiring, training and development, promotion, termination, compensation and all other terms, conditions and privileges of employment.  In accordance with federal and DC laws, Carlos Rosario School does not discriminate with regard to employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sex, age marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, genetic information, family responsibilities, political affiliation, disability, matriculation, veteran status, or other protected status under applicable law.

Bullying Prevention Policy

Read about our bullying prevention policy here.

Health Schools Act – Lead Testing Results

Below are campus by campus results posted in accordance with the Healthy Schools Act of 2010, which requires public schools and public charter schools to locate all drinking water sources, install and maintain filters for reducing lead at all drinking water sources, post conspicuous signs on water sources that are not drinking water sources that communicate that the water should not be used for cooking or consumed, test all drinking water sources for lead annually, if a test result shows that a drinking water source’s lead concentration exceeds 5 parts per billion, shut off the drinking water source within 24 hours after receiving the test result, determine remediation steps, publicize the test results and remediation steps, and post information about the test results and remediation efforts online, and publish a list of drinking water sources with information about filters, testing, and maintenance.
Harvard Street Campus
Sonia Gutierrez Campus

Privacy Policy

Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School respects the privacy of users of this web site. The current privacy policy of this web site is as follows:

        • You do not have to give us any personal information to visit this web site.
        • We may collect and store statistics and other information about the online activities of our visitors on an aggregated, collective basis. But, in these instances, we do not obtain personally identifiable information about you. We may use aggregated information to operate and enhance our site and for marketing and promotional purposes.
        • If you write in a comment, we ask that you provide your name, e-mail address, and area of interest, but no other information, unless you choose to do so. In some cases, we may use your personal information to provide information back to you.
        • Carlos Rosario will not sell your personally identifiable information. Carlos Rosario may share the information, including your comments, with third parties to further the mission and purposes of Carlos Rosario. However, if you indicate that you would like your personal information or comments kept confidential, then we will do so.
        • By using this web site, you agree to the terms of this policy. If you do not agree with this policy, please do not access or use this web site. This policy is subject to change from time to time at Carlos Rosario’s discretion; the current policy will be posted here. Please re-check this link accordingly. Finally, please note that Carlos Rosario is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of other sites that may link to this site, or to which this site may link.


Designation of Section 504/ADA, Title VI, Title IX, and Age Discrimination Act Coordinator

Those having inquiries concerning Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School’s compliance with Section 504/ADA (disability), Title VI (race, color, national origin), Title IX (sex), and/or the Age Discrimination Act (age) or who wish to file a complaint regarding such compliance should contact the following individual who has been designated by the School to coordinate its efforts to comply with the regulations implementing Section 504/ADA, Title VI, Title IX, the Age Discrimination Act, and the DC Human Rights Act:

Robert Skelton
General Counsel
Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School
1100 Harvard Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009
(202) 797-4700 ext. 4720

Students (and parents/guardians, in the case of minor students) who want to learn more about their disability rights under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act can obtain a copy of their procedural safeguards from the School’s Section 504 Coordinator:

Javier Marquez
Assistant Principal, Harvard Street Campus
Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School
1100 Harvard Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009
(202) 797-4700 ext. 4739

  • Grievance Procedures under Section 504/ADA, Title VI, or the Age Act, and under Title IX for Employees and Third Parties

Anyone wishing to submit a complaint regarding the School’s compliance with these laws should contact the Coordinator identified above.  This includes complaints from students (or their parents/guardians) and employees.

The grievance procedures outlined herein establish how certain types of complaints will be investigated and resolved.  These procedures are apart from any other standard complaint procedures identified above (requiring submission to the Coordinator), as well as complaint procedures in student or employee handbooks for any other complaints, such as discrimination complaints not governed by these procedures.  These grievance procedures are intended to provide for a prompt and equitable resolution of complaints.  These grievance procedures may be used by employees, students, parents (for minor students) or third parties.  These grievance procedures do not bar individuals from filing claims in other forums to the extent permitted by state or federal law.

Carlos Rosario School encourages individuals to discuss their concerns with appropriate school officials before resorting to a formal complaint.  However, individuals are not required to do so before filing a formal complaint.

Carlos Rosario School prohibits retaliation against individuals who file a complaint or participate in a complaint investigation.  The School also prohibits intimidation, threats, or any other effort to prevent or obstruct someone from submitting a complaint.

  • Title IX Grievance Procedures for Students

A formal complaint under Title IX may be filed by the steps outlined in the Title IX policy.  See Student Policies link on this webpage for the policy.

  • Notice of Section 504 Rights and Procedural Safeguards for Students

This is a notice of students’ rights under Section 504.  These rights are designed to keep students fully informed about the School’s decisions about you (or for parents/guardians of minor students, your child) and to inform students of your rights if you disagree with any of those decisions.

If a student is in the process of being considered for Section 504 eligibility due to a disability or has been identified for Section 504 accommodations/services, the student may have the right to the following:

  • Participate in and benefit from the school’s education program without discrimination based on disability.
  • Be educated in facilities and receive services comparable to those provided to non-disabled students and with non-disabled students to the maximum extent appropriate.
  • Be provided an equal opportunity to participate in non-academic and extracurricular activities offered by the School.
  • Receive notice with respect to any action taken regarding the identification, evaluation, or placing of the student.
  • Have evaluation, educational, and placement decisions for the student based upon information from a variety of sources, by a group of persons who know the student, the student’s evaluation data, and placement options.
  • Have educational and related aids and services that are necessary to afford a student with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in a school program. Such aids and services will be provided without cost except for those fees imposed on non-disabled students, and to the extent that such aids and services would not result in a fundamental alteration of the School’s program or impose an undue burden.
  • Request mediation or a hearing to challenge actions regarding the student’s identification, evaluation or placement. The student may take part in the hearing and have an attorney represent the student, at the student’s own expense.  Hearing requests can be made pursuant to the School’s Grievance Procedure.
  • File a grievance or complaint with the DC Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202, (202) 453-6020 (phone, 202-453-6021 (fax), (email), .