Meet Juan Carlos Miranda

Carlos Rosario School student Juan Carlos Miranda, a Honduran native, grew up between the homes of different family members. When his studies suffered from all the moving, Juan Carlos eventually quit having only completed up to 3rd grade. At age 21 Juan Carlos came to the U.S. to join his brother in search of a… Read more »

Meet Pactole Alison

In 2007 Pactole Alison – a native of Madagascar, a small island country off the southeast coast of Africa -moved to the U.S. to be with his wife, who he met during her Peace Corps volunteer service in the country. Those first couple of months in Washington, D.C. were very challenging. “When you don’t understand… Read more »

Meet Jacqueline Castro-Lopez

In 2006 Cuban native Jacqueline Castro-Lopez and her husband decided to come to the U.S. in search of a better life for their kids: a two-year-old son and a six-year-old daughter. Jacqueline said, “I wanted my kids to be more free.” When Jacqueline first arrived and enrolled her daughter in school, she struggled to understand… Read more »

E Pluribus Unum Award

Recognized as National Leaders in Immigrant Integration

 The Carlos Rosario School received the Migration Policy Institute’s national E Pluribus Unum prize, recognizing its exemplary work around immigrant integration.      “Carlos Rosario’s cutting-edge programming has allowed tens of thousands of immigrants to pursue the American Dream and go on to successes as bankers, pharmacists, chefs and business owners,” said MPI Senior Vice President… Read more »

Meet Daniela Moreira

When Daniela Moreira moved to the U.S. from her native Argentina, it was her dream to study culinary arts and to one day be an executive chef. Daniela enrolled in the culinary arts program at the Carlos Rosario School in 2011 and graduated in the summer of 2012 after a highly successful year. At the… Read more »

Meet Wondimu Dalkero

Wondimu came to the U.S. in 2010 and was granted asylum after escaping political unrest in his native Ethiopia. In 2011 Wondimu enrolled in the Carlos Rosario School Nurse Aide Training program. He graduated and became a certified nurse aide in the spring of 2012. Thanks to support from the School’s Career Specialist, Wondimu took… Read more »

Grand Opening of the Sonia Gutierrez Campus

On Wednesday, October 9th the Carlos Rosario School celebrated the opening of the Sonia Gutierrez Campus with an event that featured remarks from elected officials, community and school leaders. More than 250 guests received tours of the building that included demonstrations by students of the culinary arts, computer support specialist and nurse aide training programs…. Read more »

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

Highlighting our talented students and drawing from rich community partnerships, the Carlos Rosario School celebrated Hispanic Month with several cultural events at both the Harvard Street and Sonia Gutierrez campuses. School volunteer and photographer Judy Bonderman donated colorful photographs from a recent trip to Peru, which now adorn the walls of both campuses. The celebration… Read more »

Meet Karla Quintanilla

Karla Quintanilla graduated from ESL level 4B in 2001. At the time it was the highest ESL level offered by the school. Shortly before graduation, the School’s job developer placed Karla as a clerical assistant at the Children’s Hospital WIC program. Now 10 years and three promotions later, Karla is still working at the hospital… Read more »