Advanced English Students Write Who They Are

Alone House, I visited you. I know you miss the people who took care of you. I saw your old walls and windows that started collapsing. Alone house, I miss you very much. I will rebuild you like before. The poem above was written by Marco Raymundo, an advanced ESL student, participating in The Writer’s… Read more »

Celebrating Graduation 2015

On June 18th we celebrated the successes of 330 graduates who completed career training programs, learned English, passed the GED exam, and become new citizens. This year’s graduates represented 36 different countries and ranged in age from 20 years old, like Nabani from Bangladesh, to age 71, like Maria from Spain. The ceremony took place… Read more »

Educating the Community About Staying Healthy

This past May the Carlos Rosario School celebrated its first Health and Wellness Fair in partnership with DC United and UniteDC Coalition. The event drew in more than 500 students, staff and community members. “This was a huge success thanks to the participation of students and community partners that came to provide information services and… Read more »

Fostering a Community of Diversity and Inclusion

As a school of adult learners who are diverse not just in ethnicity but also age, sexual orientation, economic status, and more, we are committed to creating a culture of inclusion that celebrates our differences and builds on our shared experiences. The Diversity and Inclusion Committee, committed to creating a more inclusive school culture, is… Read more »

A Bright Spring Festival Celebrating Asian Pacific Islander Month

On May 29, 2015 we celebrated the rich cultures of Asia and the Pacific Islands with a Spring Festival at the Harvard Street Campus. The festival included student-led performances of poetry, song and dance as well as a fashion show. Student performers hailed from many different countries including Myanmar, Cambodia, Pakistan, Laos, and Hawaii. In… Read more »

Celebrating a Historic Street Naming

As of June 5, 2015 the 500 block of V Street NE is commemoratively named Sonia Gutierrez Campus Way in honor of Carlos Rosario School founder Sonia Gutierrez and of the impact the school has had on the lives of tens of thousands of immigrants over its more than 40 year history. Community and school… Read more »

ESL for Families

Parenting Skills Learned along with Language

The ESL for Families program grew out of a community need for education for parents of school-age children who were English language learners: a class that would give parents language skills and also knowledge and resources to navigate the U.S. school system. In this program– created and run through a partnership between the Carlos Rosario… Read more »

Prince Charles of Wales visits Carlos Rosario School

A Royal Visit to the Carlos Rosario School

On Thursday, March 19th the Carlos Rosario School gave a rousing welcome to His Royal Highness Prince Charles complete with a Mariachi band, waving flags, and hand-drawn signs. This visit provided a great opportunity to shine a national and international spotlight on the stories of student determination and success, and on the school’s larger impact… Read more »

Black History Month Celebration Highlights African, Afro-Latino and African-American Cultures

This year’s student-led Black History Month celebration was full of colorful dress, lively music and enthusiastic performers. Joining us for the event were the new Ward 1 Councilmember Brianne Nadeau, who talked about local historic African American women, and the new Director of the Mayor’s Office of African Affairs, Mamadou Samba, originally from Senegal. “Culture… Read more »