Take the first step to apply for classes! Add your name to our interest list.
Are you interested in taking classes at the Carlos Rosario School? You can get on the list to express interest to study at our School at any time. Adding your name to the list below will allow us to reach you by email about upcoming registration opportunities.
Note: The Interest List helps us contact you to complete the application process. It is not a waiting list
¿Está interesado en estudiar en Carlos Rosario? Ahora puede poner su información en la lista de personas interesadas en cualquier momento. Añadiendo su nombre a la lista que se muestra a continuación, nos permitirá comunicarle futuras oportunidades de matricularse en la escuela.
Note: The Interest List helps us contact you to complete the application process. It is not a waiting list.
Click here to learn about our registration requirements.
There are two methods to prove proof of residency in DC for enrollment at Carlos Rosario School programs. The guidelines for approval are determined by eligibility by OSSE. For any questions on eligibility, please contact registration@carlosrosario.org or call 202-797-4700.
All documentation must have the same name and address.
Carlos Rosario School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age or other protected status in its programs or activities.