Carlos Rosario School delegation travels to El Salvador

This summer a delegation of five Carlos Rosario School teachers traveled to El Salvador on a ten-day, multi-town educational trip. The aim of the trip was to better understand the context and culture of one of the largest populations of Carlos Rosario School students: Salvadorans. For the 2013-14 school year 38% of Carlos Rosario School… Read more »

Celebrating DC Adult Education and Family Literacy Week

The fishbowl meeting room on the first floor of the Wilson Building was packed, standing room only and crowds spilling out into hallways on both sides. In celebration of Adult Education and Family Literacy Week, September 22-27, a coalition of more than 200 adult education providers and learners came together for a panel discussion and… Read more »

364 graduates for 2014

This June we celebrated the successes of three hundred sixty-four students from ESL, GED, citizenship, and career training programs! This included a record 64 GED graduates and 99 elementary and middle school diplomas earned through the Carlos Rosario Plaza Comunitaria program in partnership with the Mexican Consulate. During her welcoming remarks President and Founder Sonia Gutierrez acknowledged… Read more »

Celebrating Asian Pacific Islander Heritage

The month of May was packed with events and extracurricular activities celebrating the Asian Pacific heritage of the Carlos Rosario School’s student body and staff. Professionals from the Chinese Community Cultural Center came to both campuses to give multiple Tai Chi classes, while Taiko drummer Mark H. Rooney taught an interactive workshop about this Japanese… Read more »

Coooking Demo by CIA

Renowned Chefs Share Their Knowledge with the Carlos Rosario School Community

This spring chef ambassadors from the Culinary Institute of America (CIA) came to the Carlos Rosario School to share their expertise with students, alumni and local chefs. The first day culinary arts students got up close and personal with the chefs working side-by-side in the Marriott culinary arts lab to assist the chefs in preparing… Read more »

International Youth Leaders visit the Carlos Rosario School

The Carlos Rosario School was delighted to host 28 international high school students April 1st and 2nd, as part of the Workshop for Youth Leaders in Teaching of English, a program of the State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The visitors, who are living with host families in the US, observed ESL classes at… Read more »

Committed to Informing the Community about Healthcare

Over the past year the Carlos Rosario School hosted a number of events to inform students and community members about affordable healthcare options and through joint efforts sign people up for health insurance. Through these efforts we helped more than 300 people get health insurance, prompting Vice President Joe Biden to make a surprise visit… Read more »

E Pluribus Unum Award

Recognized as National Leaders in Immigrant Integration

 The Carlos Rosario School received the Migration Policy Institute’s national E Pluribus Unum prize, recognizing its exemplary work around immigrant integration.      “Carlos Rosario’s cutting-edge programming has allowed tens of thousands of immigrants to pursue the American Dream and go on to successes as bankers, pharmacists, chefs and business owners,” said MPI Senior Vice President… Read more »

Grand Opening of the Sonia Gutierrez Campus

On Wednesday, October 9th the Carlos Rosario School celebrated the opening of the Sonia Gutierrez Campus with an event that featured remarks from elected officials, community and school leaders. More than 250 guests received tours of the building that included demonstrations by students of the culinary arts, computer support specialist and nurse aide training programs…. Read more »